Sunday, January 11, 2009

{mr bach and new desktop wallpapers}

Being sick and having to stay at home when I was supposed to have fun practicing with the amateur chamber music ensemble...was not really nice, of course. But the flu was pretty bad, and I really had to rest hoping to get better really soon.

Turned my attention to They have an interesting weekend vote this time: "Have you played some J.S. Bach today?" I have! I have! Mr Bach's work has been in my list every morning, whenever I'm home. There were times I didn't touch them, but since I'm back to the ensemble, it's Mr Bach before breakfast, as much as I can!

And why? Laurie Niles, the editor of has the answer:

"A short and simple list of reasons: It never gets tired, it never gets old, it's exercise for the fingers, it's yoga for the soul."

And somehow I got inspired to make these desktop wallpapers to remind myself of the daily Bach habit. Feel free to download them if you like :o)

{click on the picture, then save it to your own hard disk}

1280x800 pixels

1280x1024 pixels

1 comment:

  1. manis banget, itu pasti omelitto ya yang cewek bawa biola.:) warnanya..(hihihi monitorku udah ga buta warna lagi)cakep banget, mateng, ga bisa dicuri.
