Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Tagged by my Polish friend Joanna. Me in an afternoon chamber music playing in Jakarta a couple of months ago (now I have longer hair, and different glasses). Can you notice that Joanna's got a nice camera (and good eyes behind the camera:-))

Friday, September 7, 2007


Here's another 'imaginary flowers' set :-) This time the chosen color is red. Let's see what color I have in mind for the next flowers :-)

These graphics were actually ready a few days ago, just before a series of big earthquakes hit my country in the western and southern Sumatra. I was at work when the first earthquake struck and even in the capital, 600 km away, the tremors were felt and the building where I was in swayed, causing panic. Considering the magnitudes of the earthquakes, several tsunami warnings were issued though finally cancelled not long after. Today is the third day but I still receives several alerts from the Indonesian Meteorolgy Agency. The Jakarta Post reported there were 11 temblors rattle Sumatra this Friday morning only. I just hope this will stop soon!

Happy Friday and have a nice weekend!

Thursday, September 6, 2007


I bumped into Alyson and Marta’s lists, got inspired and shortly after I was tempted to make my own list. I posed my own questions and I was quite surprised myself that the words I listed pretty much talked about me...wow.wow. :-) .a.a.a. I renamed the list .about.amreta.:.an.a.addiction.
You can try it yourself. It's fun.

my name: amreta
born in: april
star sign: aries
four words: art, alfresco, adventure, authentic
current occupation: assistant, artist
aspirations: archaeologist, anthropologist, architect, astronomer, author
if I could be anyone: Athena, the greek goddess
if I could have a collection of anything: ancient maps
cities: Alexandria, Athens
favourite vacation was in: Alsace
favourite sight: archipelago
favourite author: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
favourite book: Antonietta, A Beautiful Mind, Asterix-and-Obélix
something on my desk: art-pen
something in my room: armchair
something I shout: aye!
gemstones: aquamarine, amethyst, agate
fruits: apple, apricot, avocado
flowers: anemone, aster
veggie: arugula, asparagus, aubergine
actor / celebrity: Angelina Jolie
qualities: authentic, attitude, articulate, adventurous, attentive, amusing
tv shows: apprentice (the), amazing race
movie: amélie, a beautiful mind
legend: Alexander the great
favorite shop: amazon.com
favorite violinist: anne sophie mutter
favorite designer: anna sui
inspiring woman: anita roddick, founder of the body shop
verbs for living: admire, aspire, ask, act, adjust, achieve, advance, appreciate
I’m grateful to be: alive! :-)

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Via decor8 I found out about designmyroom.com - it's really cool, at least that was my first try to decorate a room virtually. If you love experimenting with colors and 'things combining' (I don't know what the right term for it ;-)), it's really worth a try.

Unfortunately it's only free for one project. It's still fun in any case. If you do log-in to the site, look for me ;-) My screen name is artmea.

This is a screen shot of my first try:

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Thanks for your emails and comments on the updates that were published yesterday. Now here is the second part of the variation on theme "Yellow Flowers". Thought you might enjoy it, too :-)

Happy Tuesday!

.ps.again.do not forget to provide a link back to www.amretasgraphics.com if you use these graphics for your website / email. thanks :-)

.pss.you can certainly add your own text to the graphics on this blog post.

Monday, September 3, 2007


Below are a few new graphics that I use for the frontpage of my website and the about me page. To be very honest I don't know what kind of flowers they are ;-) Inspiration just struck and I happened to love the result. Until I can make a complete set and give it a 'home' in my main site, you can download the graphics here. If you like them and want to use them please don't forget to provide a link back to www.amretasgraphics.com . That's all I ask :-) Have a great week!

[.ps.to download the graphics, right click, choose 'save as' and save it on your own hard disk and upload them to your own server. please don't steal the bandwith by direct linking the graphics to your website, otherwise my website may crash. thank you :-)]