Tuesday, February 24, 2009

{yellow deco: a dash of pink}

A dash of pink somewhere in a yellow-toned room. When I stumbled upon these pictures of Jennifer and Dick Lanne's farmhouse in the New York countryside on Country Living, all I wanted was picturing myself one lovely afternoon having a cup (or many) of tea, drawing graphics in this room. Yellow is a very happy color, and even the tiniest dash of deep pink will make it even happier. Don’t you agree?


  1. Oh, I love yellow, especially when I am longing for Spring! :) It has been a long time since my last visit. I didn't fall off the face of the Earth, but when I’m sick I always have trouble remembering what day of the week it is because all the days seem the same. LOL! Trying to catch up with all your happenings. Have a fab March, Amreta!

  2. I agree! I really do;)
    Thanks for making me smile here, I can see you before my eyes when we met here in Gothenburg, will we evere do that again, oh my, I really hope so.
